January 14 -15, 2020 l New Orleans Marriott l 555 Canal Street
Meet Your Speaker
Billy Williams, Ph.D
CEO and Founder
Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Services
Williams Family Investment Group
Dr. Billy R Williams is the founder and president of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Services, America's best insurance agent and Small Business coaching and mentoring company, and CEO of the Williams Family Investment Group; a group of more than 150 partner agencies that produce over a billion dollars a year in new and renewal insurance premiums. Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring works with many of the top insurance agents/agencies in North America and some of the World’s largest insurance carriers and companies.
Dr. Williams also provides expertise and wisdom to non-insurance based small businesses through his "ICECREAM For Business Leaders" training program. He started Inspire a Nation because he was sick and tired of all the b.s. that was being served up as "the best marketing hacks, tools, or services available." He felt agents and small business owners needed to get back to the reality of operating their business both today and in the future. As he sees it, the reality is that there are 5 Best Insurance Prospects, 14 weekly tasks and 23 Core Processes that must happen in an agency and if you want to be a top-level agency you must to master them.
"We all know that Luck = Opportunity + Preparation + Time Management. I created Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring to help agents and agencies prepare to take advantage of as many insurance agency opportunities as possible by giving them an exact schedule to follow and step-by-step instructions on which processes, tools, task, and technology they should have working in the agency. This is the “Keep it Simple” method at it’s best!” - Billy R. Williams, PhD
Featured Breakout
Tech Your Agency
Technology continues to change at an ever-increasing speed. The latest and greatest tech tool of today will be replaced by something even greater tomorrow. In this session you will learn from a few agents in the "tech-know" what they have found to be the coolest agency tool to enhance productivity.